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What should I wear for my family photos?

What should I wear for my family photos? This is by far my most asked question before a family portrait session, so I wanted to share some tips that can help your prepare for your photoshoot.

Think in colour palettes

A starting point is picking a single outfit for one family member, and build the other family members clothing choices around this. The idea is to use the colours in that single outfit to dress the rest of the family. So for example, this sweet family have chosen a colour palette of pink, blue and white, with Mum’s patterned top being the starting point for their clothing. The idea is for everyone to look like they belong together, without your clothing looking too perfectly matched.

what to wear for family photos, family photography, lifestyle photography, natural photos

Choose something that you love & feel comfortable in

Perhaps your toddler is currently obsessed with her Wonder woman outfit, or a particular pair of yellow wellies. Maybe your sister bought your sweet newborn the most beautiful dress that you would like to include in your photos. Whatever you do choose, your clothing should be a reflection of you & your family at this point in time – be they classic, quirky or colourful. I’d love for your photos will be enjoyed for many years to come, so wearing a favourite item of clothing is a lovely way to incorporate these stories into your family mementos.

Is there anything I should I avoid wearing?

Try to avoid large logos that will distract or exact matching clothing (white t-shirts and blue jeans for all is a bit visually boring in my humble opinion) or anything that’ just isn’t you’. You don’t want to look at your family photos and focus on the fact that your clothing was uncomfortable, or your wish you made a different choice.

In addition, I’d suggest avoiding wearing the same colour as the location for your photos – I absolutely don’t want you to blend into the background.

what to wear for family photos, family photography, lifestyle photography, natural photos

Any other top tips?

Dress in layers if possible. Ideally you want to be able to easily add or remove an item of clothing to vary things up midway through your session. Alternatively a change of clothing for everyone will provide a fresh visual for your portraits, and make the best use of our time together.

Perhaps bring along a favourite toy or a simple activity that your kids will be keen to get stuck into – a ball, bubbles or chalk are easy ones to pop into your bag.

A picnic blanket can also be quite handy, in case we want to grab some seated portraits – ideally a plain colour that doesn’t clash with your carefully chosen clothing choices.

And whatever you do, don’t forget…

to wear a big smile, and leave the rest of the session up to me. I’ll fix your hair if it’s gone crazy (I swear it’s an essential part of the job!), tuck in a stray label if I see it and make any other small adjustments that will help bring your portraits together.

what to wear for family photos, family photography, lifestyle photography, natural photos


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