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Here you'll find info to help you prepare for your shoot, some personal ramblings and the lovely folks who I have met along the way... 

Being present

Being present, lifestyle photography, connectedI realised that one element of why love the creative process so much, is being present. I can’t show up to a photoshoot feeling distracted. I cannot be thinking about something else or not engaging with everything around me, and the people in front of me. You have to put down your phone, log out of your emails, and even set aside that thing that you have been worrying about.

I get fully immersed in the details, how it feels to be right there, right now. And in the middle of being THERE, something magical seems to happen. You remember to breathe. You get perspective. And you get to really see the people in front of you. What an honour. To be in full attention in todays world so full of distractions. None of the ‘Pick Me’s vying for your attention. The only thing that matters it this moment, right now, right here.

Being present, lifestyle photography, connected

There’s something a bit magical about being present, and getting into a zone. That moment when you realise that hours have flown by, and it feels like a blink. As soon as I get into this zone, I know I am producing something which is genuine and truly connected.

So how do I get there? Mostly, its about remembering to breathe. Deeply. It’s about anchoring my thoughts to everything in my immediate environment. A lot of the time it’s about not over-thinking what’s happening. My curiosity and love for hearing people’s stories gets me fully engaged in the process. I stop, and listen to the sounds around me. I really tune into that feeling in the air that you can’t always define. I ask a lot of questions. I try not to censor myself (so that’s the explanation for sometimes weird and wonderful questions.), and aim to truly connect.

Being present, lifestyle photography, connected

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