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From the archives: Anniversary photo session in South Africa

Today I am preparing a talk for next week about my photography business, so I have spent the morning wandering through my virtual archives, deciding which images to include as visual highlights of my body of work. While doing a bit of digging, I came across one of my favourite couple sessions, which was an anniversary photo session in South Africa.


Some of you may recognise this pair – my sister Tracy & her hubby Gareth. This session was at Tracy’s (and my) university, University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. We all had a fantastic time finding some spots throughout the campus for some unique images. Our previous session (just a couple of days before their wedding) was in a local park, so we really wanted something visually different. These images were taken not long after their wedding anniversary. I absolutely LOVE these type of sessions. It gives you time to hang out with your loved one with no distractions, some quality time just for the sake of it, and in the end we created some gorgeous images to put up in their home.

Having been in front of the lens for one of these sessions with Mike not too long ago (see this here!), I can highly recommend an anniversary photo session. If this is something you would like to do with your partner, please give me a holler on and we can get planning!

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